Frequently asked questions

What is AmdaHost ?

At AmdaHost, we specialize in providing cloud storage solutions, with a primary focus on video storage and streaming services. What sets us apart from other industry providers is our unique offering: not only do we offer a comprehensive suite of services entirely free of charge, but we also empower our users to earn significant revenue while utilizing our platform. We are committed to continual improvement and are currently in the process of expanding our offerings beyond video storage to encompass a wide range of cloud storage facilities for various file types. Stay tuned for our upcoming developments.

What is video streaming & earnings ?

With AmdaHost's video streaming feature, you can upload your videos and earn substantial income based on views by simply sharing them. We offer various sharing options such as video embeds and direct sharing. As a webmaster, you can effortlessly host your videos on our platform, obtain the embed code, and seamlessly integrate them into your website to stream content of your choice while generating revenue. Alternatively, you can acquire direct links and share them with your audience.

What about storage space & bandwidth ?

We are pleased to offer our users unlimited storage space for their videos, along with unrestricted bandwidth usage. It is important to note that limitations may be applied based on the revenue generated through the platform.

How to upload/host videos ?

Currently, we provide two options for hosting videos: direct upload from your device or uploading from a URL.

What video types & content allowed ?

You have the flexibility to host videos in any major file format, as our system automatically encodes your uploads to seamlessly match various streaming devices. Additionally, within the bounds of legality, we permit the uploading of a wide range of content, including legal adult material.

What is the revenue model ?

Our primary revenue generation method involves the monetization of your videos through advertisements, including banner ads, pop-up ads, and push ads. Additionally, in response to user requests, we have implemented various revenue modes that you can select to best align with your audience preferences.